In addition to the post published few days ago, I finish today de subject, analyzing the complex issue of social systems explaining other concepts mentioned in a post with the same topic whose authorship is Michael Blumenstein.
Social Systems’ construction
The way the Blumenstein Theory deals with the complexity of social systems and makes it manageable, is describing the way in wich social systems are developed. Not that can not be done otherwise, is that following these steps we can handle complexity in a simple way.
The first level of interaction that occurs in social systems is called “conversation” and consists of two or more persons willing to contribute in order to build a social system, or in other words, maintaining a sequence of communications.
A set of communications, do build a conversation. In the conversation we going building purpose and creating a social system.
From Blumenstein Theory, in order for a conversation build in benefit of all whom contribute, some parameters are important:
– All participants in the conversation have the same value and the same right to be heard
– All participants do contribute to build and clarify the purpose purpose of the conversation (which we want to achieve, decide, agree, and so on, in this conversation)
– All participants have the same time and number of speaking opportunities (this is the most common way)
– Everyone speaks from the heart
– “Is not allowed to talk about someone else’s tomatoes”, in other words, it is made an invitation to not make value judgments about what is said
– The conversation does not ends until an agreement is reached (it can be segmented in all the necessary sessions) or until it comes a termination agreement, whatever this will be.
Just as a series of communications produce a conversation, the organization is a network of conversations. Be careful with this, organization should not be understood as synonymous of “company” but as organization (order or structure) within social systems. The organization is how to take, prioritize and carry out the outcome of the conversations in a way that fulfills the purpose of the social system in the best possible way. This organization is usually based on ways and these ways are carried out by a leader. (Forms and content, and leader are other concepts that we will develop in this space)
Society is a social system made up of smaller social systems, where each has its own organization and purpose. The interaction at this level is not between persons who belong to a social system, but between a social system and another, belonging to the same major social system, society. The social systems that interact at this level, not only have a purpose, but also a function, that is, they cover needs.
The Blumenstein Theory explains and segments the world in terms of social systems, persons and contributions to make them manageable for us, the human beings living in this era and in this world.
It offers a look that invariably awakens in ourselves a series of ideas, thoughts and questions about choosing our contributions expressed through the many persons through whom we belong and have a place in the different social systems of our life. Thus, something as complex as living, something as ethereal as a good life, has a logic and an order, a way back to me and my reality, a clear path to a world of possibilities.
By Katia.
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