By Víctor Yáñez

Versión en español aquí

Let me begin my story of this great adventure with Michael and Katia with something very simple and is how I met my teachers.

I arrived at Visión Sistémica thanks to my sister-in-law’s husband, an entrepreneur dedicated from young to the plastic world.

He had had the opportunity to meet Katia and Michael, long before, participating in some workshops.

During many family talks my relative told me enthusiastically what he learned from them, the experiences seemed to me were immersed in a world different from the real world and why not say it, perhaps far from mine. I watched how much he enjoyed every minute of his stories and wondered how much can a human being’s life change with seemingly as simple knowledge as “Living a good life?, and in fact what is living a good life? If we are always busy getting to work on time, going to school, doing everyday tasks at home, not being late for a meeting, closing a deal and the world totally absorbs us, and we stop taking care of ourselves, at the point that perhaps we do not enjoy even a sunset, listen to the waves at the sea, good music, appreciate a painting or enjoy the caress of the wind.

I had seldom heard the phrase “speak from the heart”. It made sense to me to think about the depth of the term and I understood it as what happens to me when talking with someone when I am full of joys, sadness, success or failure, uncertainty and dreams, simply the essence of who we are and how others see us.

My relative told me about what had helped him in his partner’s relationship, to accommodate in a good place his parents, his children, his profession, his health and many other issues.

Without further ado on a Saturday of 2015 I arrived at Visión Sistémica with Katia (a person full of love, peace and tenderness towards herself and her fellows) and Michael (a wonderful German, with an exceptional tranquility to speak and explain, which astonished me since the beggining).

That was the moment when I understood what a different approach meant, since my construction of reality about the Germans was serious, always angry, strict and unfriendly people.

Michael was totally different from that. In addition to obviously speaking German, he also spoke English and a little Spanish, was friendly, simple and even sweet. Katia, with whom he did tandem, translated his interventions with great skill and knowledge of the subject.

My first contact with the group was unique since I had the opportunity to live with young people and not as young as myself. It was very enriching to approach the subject of the father, with the opportunity to understand his past and work on the outstanding issues that he brought with him. The interventions of both Michael and Katia proved to be excellent for accommodating things that I had in my heart.

The next day was equally astonishing: at the break I talked to Michael and it was something unique, if we understand that we established a dialogue where I do not speak English, less German and suddenly I was immersed in a conversation with my teacher. He thanked me for my bad English and the effort I made, as well as the combination of his good Spanish in which we understood him also through a nonverbal communication that I will never forget.

How it happened? I do not know, I can only say that it was amazing to be able to talk to an exceptional human being who understood my world and was offering me a different approach in which love was what prevailed in matters related to my father, -with whom I had a lot of pending issues, because of his abandonment- and that with this approach gave me the opportunity to observe that bit of what my father was. I was able to understand that human being that I judged many times in his helplessness and that I am nobody to discredit it.

That day I brought two wonderful gifts. One, meet Michael and another, accommodate my father in a good place where I can not evaluate it and much less change his history, simply because it does not correspond to me.

This is how it started this great adventure with a different approach.

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