By Silvina Schreiner

The experience of a coaching afternoon with Michael, in his words and wisdom, “in the social system of coach-coachee”, or a training with Michael in the “teacher-student” social system, was a lot like being in a plane mid flight, with the door open!
In Mid Flight With Michael
Can you imagine? I see it as wonderful as this: you in the plane, and out there, the infinite world.
With the distinction of you being in that plane with the whole equipment for you to do as you please. Actually, you were born with that equipment. (Of course Michael informed and remembered this to you). Michael seeked the way for you to feel that wholeness, that enoughness, and and in this way many forms emerged for you to see all the options you had from that mid flight plane, commonly called “classroom”. Among this options you had infinite choices that allowed you to go outside to the world, to companies, to your home, or job… wherever you wanted to go to and built with someone else a purpose, a project, a life. You could go outside that door throwing yourself, falling, floating, and choosing where to land or however you choose to show yourself to the outside world that kept its course, without stopping.
No matter what you choose, it was going to be ok. It was all about you having the enoughness to do it in the way that it helped you make and have a good life. Clearly I cherish that good life does exists! And it can be created.
Talking About Soccer Terms and Love
In soccer terms, complicate subject between Michael and me. One had a great team to make a good life, a huge goal! My life changed after I understood this: now I was able to build with enoughness and clarity.
And talking about clarity, my life changed when I knew this definition of “Love” that one afternoon he gave us. Only a true expert on this matter could come up with this:
“I’m under the impression that love is when the other, gives me a safe place. And I can feel this love only when I can give myself a good place, a safe place. We are very capable of doing so, it’s just that sometimes we choose to do it.”
I remember I thought: If it’s like that, then yes!
I stopped using the words I used before, and began to understand so much more. That gave my soul and many others a relief. It still does: I remember that plane, my restlessness and I’m infinitely thankful.
With love,
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