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We started on this road because we were looking for something. When we thought we had found it, we founded Vision Sistemica

Then life questioned us: what we had learned and shared, that had made us deep inside sense, did not make sense with what we observed in real life.

So we came back to look and question. At some point we thought about closing.

Then Michael came and shared his perspective. Given the previous experience, we were critical, hard and challenging to accept and integrate it and when we did, it was because we tried it and tried it, and we saw that it works 🙂

And better yet, we learned how we can build what we want.

We want to build a world where we have the possibility to live fully and we want to build it with you who…

· … want to take responsibility for your life.

· … know that the future is not predetermined.

· … are clear that the only ones who can generate well-being in our lives are ourselves.

· … do not want to change history but learn from it.

· … want to be in touch with your autonomy.

· … knows the world changes if you change.

· … do not want to change anyone because you know that is impossible.

· … want to learn to dialogue based on differences.

· … love the differences and you want to build from them.

· … want to listen and fulfill the desire of your heart.

· … want to contribute and value the contributions of others.

· … need to find your own answers instead of receive them from the outside.

· … seek to reconnect with your sufficiency in life.

· … simply want to live a good life.

· … love movement, evolution, development and flowing with life into life itself.

· … think surviving is not only to breathe, but to live while enjoying living.

· … enjoy the way and you orientate yourself with the goal without losing the horizon and its possibilities.

· … know that the static stops and that the movement opens opportunities.

· have experienced or want to experience uncertainty with sufficiency.

· know that “magic” is the process of co-creating with the other.

· … believe that shared and co-built construction is a gateway to our potentialities.

· … find in the “strength of the tribe” the force of life.

· … do not want to blame or justify your ancestors, spirit or past lives but you want to honor them with a good life.

· … do not know what it is to contribute, collaborate, co-create and want to learn.

· … want to learn to sail confidently in the sea of ​​uncertainty.

· … experience “control” as a myth or something you want to release.

· … need to come out of your helplessness not with silences, aggressions and ruptures, but by building together.

· … are tired of carrying the weight alone and want to release it to co-create with others.

· … want to remember your sufficiency while standing in front pf your helplessness

· … do not know how and want to discover your unique how.

· … are different and you want to find your place.

· … want to live and build a different world today.

So for all those who want to make a mark, have a life that is useful, and live it well, those that want to think differently, to contribute with purpose; as well as for all those who want to go with life and make our way to life with life itself, to all of you we offer the Blumenstein Theory®.

And ViSiConstelaciones is a way of learning, integrating and incorporating it.

Deeply grateful to Katia Ibañez for co-writing this article together. Thanks to Michael Blumenstein for his theory and legacy. Thanks to life.

Do not miss our talk tonight in Africa # 6, Coyoacan at 7:00 pm or in real time through our Twitter account. @VisionSistemica.

Katia del Rivero

Michael Blumenstein

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