By Ricardo Camargo

Versión en Español

One of the biggest learning experience, and of more trascendance for me and my professional life has been knowing the Blumenstein Theory (as we have mentioned), which is in reallity a way to see the world, and for me it has been life changing.

To put in context, it might be interesting to explain you, briefly, my life. First of all, in some point of my teenage years I recieved an advise from my father, one of profesional vocation, he asked: “What do you like knowing the most?, Things or people?”, and I answered ”Things”, and that’s how I ended up studying Electronic Engineering.

For the next 5 years I devoted myself to study hardware, until one chance moved me to develop software. In this discipline I worked for 10 years.

Not until 15 years ( 5 of Hardware and 10 of Software) I realized that the success or failure of a project wasn’t about hardware or software, it was about Peopleware and that, if I had spent 5 years in one and 10 in the other, in Peopleware I’d surely spent the rest of my life.

I consider this significative, because touching human aspects from an engeneering base, that’s what gives style to my comprehension of things, also it helps my use and comprehension of the Blumenstein Theory.

Knowing more about people than things

In my search of knowing things related to people and contributing to the eficience and coexistence, I studied many Coaching lines, and in that search for knowledge and understanding I got to know and found what will become my Visión Sistémica (Systemic Vision).

My understanding of the Blumenstein Theory started out from the intention of understanding a friend of my wife, whom not only had amazing ideas and innovating concepts that perfectly matched my vision of the world. For that, I feel profoundly proud and greatfull.

Each moment of my learning of this theories was full of surprises, revelations, personal discovery, emotions, contribution and co-creation of who I am now… for that THANKS.

Trying to synthesize all my learning and concepts that now arrives my mind, requires a lot of space, but some of them are now part of my life, of my ways of seeing the world, of my behaivour, as a result it is part of my contributionsto the world that I live in.

The fundamental concepts

I’ll start with Social systems that are extremely simple concepts and really powerfull that puts me instantaneosly on who I am when I’m participating, doesn’t matter where and when it is.

The Social Systems and their terms, I don’t apply them only in my daily life, in my coachees, clients and situations; I apply them in the clases that I impart and I’m proud of doing it. I imagine Michael’s satisfaction when I do it. My experience using the concept of Social Systems always has amazing results from situations, clients, family members, business, teamworks and with group dynamics, with the concept make clear and chance the way to contribut in your own systems.

The concepts of INDIVIDUAL, from the Being that plays various PERSONS or CHARACTERS, that simultaneously plays various ROLES, seems to be confusing and it has been from examples that I was able to explain it, since they’re terms that have other meanings; it means a chance in the way of seeing things, new paradigms, even a new language. It has been life changing, situation changing, it also changes atittudes and actions that non the less have changes the world of many people.

It’s wonderfull that the fact of myself knowing who I am as a PERSON, generates an attitude and a lenguaje that centers the attention of the interlocutor son getting to know who is talking. What this achieves is that the contribution I’m making focuses on the purpose of the Social System and that are amazing results. Don’t stop investigating the concepto con Systemic Vision!

The concepto of I AM ENOUGH, it’s the most life changing of the knowledge I integrated from the Blumstein phylosophy, and, as everything else, I share as much as I can. The fact of seeing me and feeling me as enough, getting to comprehend that a person i salive because IT IS ENOUGH, it’s the change of paradigm more powerfull that I have experienced daily and it has powered up my life in unexpected ways.

I’ll start with a personal experience, the worrying about my granddaughter (treasure of my life) who wasn’t attending the kindergarden in the age that I thought it was appropiated. That made me extremely uncomfortable and when I saw myself from Sufficiency I saw her and I felt her SUFICIENT, my worrying disappeared and my possibilities potentialized.

Another really simple thing of Sufficiency, it that, when I’m going to give a speach, a workshop or simply a class. Seeing me Suficient apart from seeing and feeling my audience Suficient, gives me peace and tranquility, that allows me to contribute and co-create possibilities and amazing results.

So, I am Sufficient and the Social Systems have changes my life and the lifes of the people that I make participants of the concepts, from the contributions that are made from new places that generate this powerfull concepts that the phylosophyand way of seeing concepts from Michael Blumenstein.

At last, I want to comment that not just this concepts have transformed a lot in my life in my experience in the Systemic Vision that I recieved from Katia and Michael.

I live them every day and as Mein liebe Freund (my dear friend) say, as I refered to him when we hugged each other; having a good life with the learning of Systemic Vision it’s my way of honoring Visi and Michael Blumstein.

For all of this I can clearly say from my Sufficiency that I miss him and I don’t. I miss him because of those moments of co-creation with Michael, they were wonderfull and in many idioms and languages. And I don’t miss him because I have him present and I live him every day in his teachings and actions.

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