What is a constellation? Why do you recommend them so much for entrepreneurs? Are they really so magical?
These questions have completely different answers depending on who answers and is worth analyzing to know what can generate a constellation in your company.
If you consult a follower of Bert Hellinger (who is mistakenly given the creation of the constellations), he will surely tell you it is a process by which you can solve your business problems “magically”.
Different Perspectives on Organizational Constellations
Visión Sistémica -ViSi- (the firm I founded ten years ago and which Michael Blumenstein revolutionized with his perspective) brought the organizational constellations to our country and boosted them into Latin America.
After 15 years constellating and being pioneer of the subject in Mexico I can assure that the organizational constellations do not do magic.
During all this time we have seen people who have transformed their lives constellating, but not in all cases it has been to live a good life. Many of them as a result of what they “saw” or, even worse, “of what they showed them in a constellation” divorced, distanced themselves from their parents, broke up with their partner or closed their businesses.
From the Hellingerian perspective, the process is mystical, the more spiritual the better and the less understood, the more “you will be accommodated later.”
Even when I have nothing against spiritualisms, mysticisms or esoterisms, I prefer to adopt a sustainable perspective. I have adopted a vision where what others call “magic” is something I understand, where the structure of the “miracle” is something I can replicate.
How is a systemic organizational constellation?
The type of constellations for entrepreneurs I like are those based on a sustainable theory, some would call it “systemic”.
I would like to briefly address the ViSi Constellations, based on the theory developed by Michael Blumenstein and distinguished by having:
· consistent basis in the “social systems theory” which is the most avant-garde perspective on the systemic approach,
· an ethical framework,
· an orientation into the future, towards a good life, and
· its practical application.
The systemic constellations and the German glasses
From this look a constellation is a form. Let me explain it through a metaphor:
According to the magazine Wine Spectator in 2016 the world’s best wine was the Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley 2013 from the Lewis Cellar. Imagine that you give me a bottle and I pour it in plastic cups. If I had had German Spiegelau glasses on hand, the clarity and purity of the glass would have enhanced the quality of the wine and our experience of drinking it as well.
The constellation is then a form that, like a good German glass, potentiates the quality of the content.
In the process of a ViSi constellation, the facilitator and the entrepreneurial client co-create together, are equal, contribute and add from different perspectives, as is often the case in social systems. The customer can, through the form, find new alternatives, options not previously seen for his business and contribute in a different way to a better life as an entrepreneur.
The ViSi Constellations accompany each individual to find his own framework in function of his own business. Therefore, we recognize that, from their autonomy, each one is responsible for what contributes to their organization.
So the constellations are not magic, however, assuming your business life with full sufficiency is a different and very effective construction way.
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