From the Social Theory of Systems and the social constructivism frame, we know there’s no crisis in the world.
During the last week we were part of a conference between entrepreneurs. A member of a financial services company talked about investments, the global situation and the situation in Mexico.
He said there’s no crisis in Mexico and upon this statement he received a lot of resistance from the participants, except for one or two of them.
When we analyze this situation from the Social Theory of Systems and the social constructivism frame, we know that there’s no crisis in the world.
Billions of people behave in a certain way, which they consider correct and co-create certain situations, for example crisis. In this situations it is possible or not that they feel the capacity to act.
In fact, a crisis is a subjective reality construction. So a crisis “isn’t”. We create it.
First we have to define what the word “crisis” means or what could it mean.
The original meaning talked about “separating”, “distinguish”, “decide”. Later on it was used to talk about the difficulties of a decision. Today, we use it to describe a situation where we feel challenged or awe-struck, hopeless and with no clue of what to do.
We built a crisis when we don´t know what to do. “Being” on a crisis depends on how we see our situation, if we normally devalue ourselves and in what context of our lives we are.
Even when we define ourselves “in crisis”, there are many other areas where we can still handle ourselves good.
Many people like to define themselves in crisis. In this way they can delegate the responsibility of “the crisis” to the crisis itself and to the person who caused it.
And it becomes really easy to find others to spread the same idea.
We are trained, as people, to solve challenging situations personally. We don’t know how to ask others or how to seek groups for co-creating new ideas and support each other.
The truth is we are never in crisis. There’s always people around us who wants to co-create and cooperate with us. Watch, listen and ask.
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