By Katia Ibañez

Spanish Version

A brief tour of what you need to know to call yourself a connoisseurof the #BlumensteinTheory

You know you’ve learned how to ride a bike when you don’t need training wheels. You know you learned how to cook when the cake comes out fully baked. You know you’ve learned how to do maths, when the calculator and you get to the same result. You know you’ve learned how to bat when you hit a great percentage of the balls they throw you.

No matter what subject, activity or hobby we are talking about, they’re certain achievements or moments that make evident you’ve successfully accomplished the learning process.

How to Know You’ve Learned Blumenstein Theory?

There are four great subjects that one must understand deeply to call themself connoisseur of the Blumenstein Theory and those are: Communication, Social Systems, Form and Content, Enoughness.

What does each one of this mean?


Do you remember the diagram they show you on elementary school sender, receiver and message? And everything we’ve learned about feedback, active listening, rapport, mirror, non verbal language and everything else? Excellent, the first step is to forget about everything and learn a new premise: we, humans, weren’t designed to communicate.

There’s no way in this universe for someone to experiment “love”, “respect”, “commitment”, or “team work”in the same way you do. Once we understand the why behind this premise, we can discover that, even though we’re not designed to communicate we can build, collaborate and co-create together.

Social Systems

The second premise is perhaps more challenging than the last one, because it has to do with our sense of belonging and community. Human beings don’t belong to a system, except when we are actively participating in one of them. Social systems are ephemeral, they last as much as the interactions that make them and need at least two people to exist. You can’t have a social system with someone who doesn’t want to have it. And social systems don’t exist in themselves, they only exist when someone contributes to them. When you can identify how they’re created, fed and disappear, you’re one step closer to call yourself connoisseur of the Blumenstein Theory.

Form and Content

Someone who knows about the Blumenstein Theory can make the distinction between form and content. Which it’s equal to making the distinction between present and wrapping paper, the cup who’s containing the coffee and the liquid we call coffee. And this is important because for those who know about the Blumenstein Theory can develop different forms for different contents according to what he or she wants to achieve in a certain social system and be careful for them not to get mixed. It’s an ability that may seem easy, however, it’s got its charm and grade of complexity to have the skills to take care of the form without taking the content as something personal.


This is the most beautiful part. And the most complex, mainly because it is impossible to define it. Enoughness is something really personal for all of us. Nevertheless, one of its many descriptions is: enoughness is that which exists inside us and lets us understand everything from before, practice it, mistake it, screw it, repeat it, to make it good or bad, and even after all of those attempts, we are certain inside ourselves that we have whatever it takes to try again and survive the outcome of our attempts, no matter what these are. Enoughness is what make us human.

I’ve learned, now what?

Once you understand this four concepts in your head, the next and last step is to apply them. The bad news is that to master completely the application can take you the rest of your life. The good news is that while you live and experiment the theory, by making it part of your life it’s really likely that you’ll realize a change in the way you see the world and therefore in the way you interact with it. And maybe you’ll discover that when you change the way you relate with everything that’s part of your world (partner, associates, collaborators, family, etc) the answer you get in return might be different too. And you can shape your attempts or contributions until they get you closer to whatever you want in life, because the most important thing for you, the most important thing above all, is to remember that the purpose of the Blumenstein Theory is to make the world a little less complex so you can get closer to the good life you cherish.

In Visión Sistémica we work based on this concepts and develop products and services for you, your team, and your company. If you want to know more about how we can build a future together, get in touch with us.

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