Article originally posted by Michael Blumenstein on November 8th, 2015.

Teams, Organizations, Society… all of them are social systems.

The concept of Systemic-Dialogical Coaching contains within itself, the “Blumenstein Theory®” which, likewise, has three dimensions:

1. A transcendent dimension.

2. A systemic dimension.

3. An ethical dimension.

As Systemic-Dialogical Coach (dia = through; logos = word, speech), you can learn to practice these dimensions.

When we speak about social systems we can distinguish and observe three different types of systems:

a. Conversation: which is a sequence of communications with a self-defined meaning (“purpose”).

b. Organization: understood as a network of conversations to make decisions. We can distinguish and observe different functional systems of the organization.

c. Society: in other words, a network of communications and organizations. We can distinguish and observe different functional systems in society.

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