The essential concept of what we now call the “Blumenstein Theory” (formerly known as ViSi Social Tech), it is maybe the difference between “person” and “human being”.

Human being

Within this model, every single one of us, are human beings. There is nothing new so far, in fact it is even foolish to point out such an obvious statement.

However, in accordance with the Blumenstein Theory, our being “human being” is something unreachable to other human beings. The “human being” part of us, lives only (we do not say is, because “is” is fixed, living is changing) within us, is our essence, our inner voice, our most real and sincere “me”, our learning and experiences, our fears and vulnerabilities. Sounds beautiful, don’t you think?

The bad news is that only ourselves, each one with oneself, can interact with our own personal “human being.” We are creators, owners and absolute masters of this “human being”.


To interact with the world and with others, we do it through “persons”. These persons sometimes have names understandable to anyone. For instance, when I talk to my mother, when just the two of us interact, the person’s name is “daughter”.

When this situation occurs, but this time with my husband, the name of the person is “wife”. When the three of us talk, the person “daughter” is not possible because my husband is present. Just the same happens with the person “wife” because my mother is present. The person that emerge, depends on the purpose of the conversation. If we are discussing a common issue, maybe the person who emerges is “family member”.

Who owns the persons?

Persons are not our property. The persons we use to interact with the world and with whom we develop within social systems are co-created. Therefore, they belong to us all and they are born from our contributions. That is, it would be odd if I spoke to my mother as I would do it with my husband. And if I address my husband as if I was talking to my mother, would be odd too.

Each of us has a set of actions or ways of behaving (contributions) that change depending on which “person” is in front of us. We even deal with different “persons” within the same human beings. For instance, it is different to talk with the “husband” person, than to talk with the “father of my children” person; even if they are the same individual.

Human being – person relationship

First of all, the human being lives before any person, in fact, persons just exist. In order for a “person” to be part of a social system and be able to contribute, he needs to live within a human being who shelters him, allowing it to exist.

We humans beings have many and different “persons” whom are born and evolve within the social systems that exist only because other human beings put their own “persons” within the same social system.

The human being is strong, constant, always alive. Persons on the other side, are fleeting, come and go as they are needed and depend on the other “persons” of the same social system to exist.

At this moment, the person I want to co-create with you on that side of the screen, is something like “Blumenstein Theory’s written basic terms explanatory translator” and if my offer is interesting to you, maybe you can be “interested and moved eager to comment and keep reading reader”.

My expectation is that this first article will be very confusing for you. As we move forward with other terms and we expand this glossary, you may have to go back, read again and resume, maybe things that have not yet been written will help you understand today’s words.

My commitment with you is to walk together as far as we can, let us talk through this space and maybe, as happened with me, something, even a small thing, will change within you through the Blumenstein Theory.

Once again, thank you Michael.

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