By Oscar Alberto del Rivero Vargas

Versión en español aquí

Those who have the privilege of having a sister among their family members, surely, just like me, jealousy ever consumed us and seriously questioned who was the “bastard”, who wanted to “go out with her.”

So, when I learned that my sister had decided to form a family with the creator of Blumestein Theory®, I clearly felt my anger and the character of an older brother (greater than her, of course, because in our chain of succession I am actually the third). So I called her to ask that we meet at my parents’ house (maximum authority, as a great majority we perceive our parents, beyond the judgment of good or evil) so that, in front of them, Michael Blumenstein assumed (in the sense Ample of Mexican tradition) his commitment to my sister.

The Blumestein Theory® is beyond the origin of its creator, in other words, the “righteous” Germany or the hobby for soccer and points obtained in the Bundesh League by Bayer Munich and even the ability to drive a motor vehicle. It is based on the self-sufficiency of the person and Michael, on that day of the family encounter, would teach me that principles are manifested and demonstrated by behavior.

He told me that he had made a “match” with my sister, that he found in her the character that supports his Theory and in her, he saw a life partner with the enoughness attitude that would allow them “to co-create their life relationship “.

Always polite and gracious “Bavarian style”, willing to learn a language — Spanish — and to adapt to the new ways of a country that sheltered him and allowed him to “grow” in the development of his Theory, Michael worked giving life to his own Theory.

Co-founder in Mexico of the firm “Blumestein Del Rivero”, his work impacted the development of people, through its model of enoughness.

With a formative vision and perspective, he showed life as a means and a goal.

“Thank you, Sir”, perhaps it was the phrase that most listened from him and most probably the last. I never had the opportunity to talk to him about religion or God, but I’m sure that today, he knows more about God than what my perception knows or believes.

With a Zhen tree, we seal his image and his life, but even that image shows the perception and vision of the creator of Blumestein Theory® that will undoubtedly continue to impact thousands of people on their way to enoughness.

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