By Katia Del Rivero

by Katia Del Rivero
Max was born seventeen years ago. Two years later, he was abandoned in my house’s roof by the same person who cleared out my home.
I was sitting in the stairs trying to understand what had just happened when I heart him crying. We found each other when I climbed the stairs, our eyes met, and we froze. What should we do with the other?
For days any approach would turn defensive. Max showed me his teeth, and I showed him mine. We didn’t want to get near each other. It was as if the touch reminded him of his abandonment, while I recalled my helplessness facing this situation.
Later, when I decided to leave, I asked myself whether I should take him with me or give him up for adoption. In the end, my daughter and I chose to give him a home.
I haven’t regretted my choice, not even for a second. For every moment Max lived by our side he gave us a lesson. About love, gratitude and living in fullness.
It didn’t matter where he came from, neither the suffering abandonment caused him.
I never saw him give a gesture of anger to anyone. It’s like his heart was so big, that he could only see the goodness in others’ hearts.
Max was never angry with people. He was so clear about the difference between persons and relationships. It didn’t matter if they had problems or bonds between them.
I never saw him keep resentment. You could get upset with him, scold him. Five minutes later he would go back to you to remember you how much he loved you, to restore the bond.
He fought only to protect us. No one could come to close until he was sure they were trustworthy.
When he was happy, he showed, without shame nor limits. I never saw him sad. And when he noticed I was sad or upset, he would place his head in my lap, open his gorgeous black eyes, and looked at me with deep love.
Two weeks ago, he passed away due to kidney failure. His last two days he laid down, and the only thing that would make him smile was our closeness, our company.
Even in its last moments, although he was in pain, he showed his nobility, his class, his caste, his infinite sufficiency before life.
When we adopted him, we called him Max. And he was the most amazing black Labrador Retriever on Earth.
Maybe you are asking yourself, why am I writing about this in an organizational blog. The reason is quite simple. I know no better metaphor of a full life, of living the present, of not accumulating history, of looking towards the future and always build, than the one he offered.
Maybe some of us could learn some of his behaviors that could allow us to live a full life:
1. Happiness is meant to show it.
2. Being willing to build. In good times and bad times. Always opens new doors.
3. It doesn’t matter where you come from if you are alive. You are capable of lif. And you can make the best out of it.
4. Your greatest treasure is not what you have. But those who you love, and those who love you.
Where in the first month of this year. And we have the chance to live this 2019 fully. Let’s choose, like Max, to enjoy life, to cherish those who surround us and who we surround.
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