They say that people actually die when the last person who remembers them also dies.
Perhaps considering the size of the current world population, the portion of those who remember Michael Blumenstein are mathematically insignificant. However, we know we count, and a lot! Because we have something wonderful to share with the world, we have with us or would be better to said, within us, an autonomous thinking system, that opened its doors to Michael’s ideas and methodologies. And it is not something light.
A proposal to be lived
Michael’s methodology and ideas can be defined with many adjectives: newfangled, complex, complicated, interesting, systemic, dialogical, sufficient … However, the outstanding characteristic (to me) is that everything that came out of his mind, can be lived.
And although I know that many of us can attest the impact of applying his proposal, in a little part or in whole, I also know that there is no better way of externalize this than “speaking about oneself and from the heart.”
So for me, thinking about my daily actions as contributions to different social systems, has allowed me to make better choices about the kind of person I choose to be with each action. It made me aware of what I like or dislike, and the opportunity in my hands to change what I want, just by changing myself. There is no resource more powerful and efficient than oneself, than the true and genuine desire to want a different result as motivation for me to do something different.
In fact,the not so much developed but current ability to speak from oneself, allows me to express my worries, doubts, concerns and explain them in such a way that I will be responsible for myself and what happens to me, without blaming others. Surprisingly, the better I learn to do this, the easier it is for the others to understand me and the more occuring of what I “wanted to happen”.
A more realistic way of explaining this, considering I can not force no one to do anything that they don’t want to do, is that my contributions provoke others in a more sincere way to co-create with me. The others, I still do not know how -but it happens- perceive that I am speaking from my heart and that influences the quality, purity and sincerity of our co-creation process.
Speaking from the heart
It’s hard? Yes and no. There is a latent risk every time I speak from the heart, because there is no way to predict the other’s reaction. In spite of this, I am always aware of my own sufficiency, including my ability to act back and overcome to the other’s response, even if it is totally different of what I expected, even if it is something so different from my construction of reality that surprises me and takes me unaware. That sufficiency is still there. Even if I forget it, still there. Even if I lose it, does not go away. Always ready to be used by me, or rather remember that it has always been mine.
The purest desire that Michael had (from my point of view) was that we all could live a good life. And for me, but through what I learned from him, I believe that I begin to master the art of living in fullness.
We open this space with the idea to gather, little by little, knowledge, theory, and ideas. Each word in italics has a deep explanation, rooted in other theories and methodologies, merged in Michael’s brain and heart, so we will be exploring them here in the following posts.
Michael is no longer here to say it himself, but (and I believe that on this occasion the use of the “but” would be appropriate) left us a lot to to do it ourselves. From myself, I am grateful to have taken his proposal.
Thank you Michael.
(Written by Katia) / If you want to know more, please visit: https://teoriablumenstein.com
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