By Josefina Palacios

Versión en Español

When I first heard about Michael Blumenstein, a German coach that gave his trainings in English, I thought: “I won’t be able to understand a thing!”

At that time, coaching was for me, earth that felt foreign, even though I had participated in an International Certification and two trainings with an important coaching trainer. I can say that, I felt like coaching wasn’t a part of my professional identity; although something made me want to learn more about it.

Listening to Michael for the first time, made me forgot fast, that he “was German” and I also forgot that he was speaking English and I had to listen to the translator. He was a great communicator and in many moments -I assure you-, I understood without the translator.

His explications on social systems would take me back to my Sociology classes or even, of Learning Theories and although they seemed clear and interesting, I thought: “What’s new in all of this?, How does he relate this with the coaching practice? When will he show us the technique? “

At some point, after I provided a process -where he backed me up all the time without making me feel inefficient-, I found him and Katia Del Rivero in the stairs and in front of a question I was afraid he wouldn’t understand, he looked at me with those calm eyes he had and told me: “Jose, you are completely enough to solve it” it was the first time I heard this concept and it penetrated deep inside me.

A little bit after, we went to a process to a forest near the volcanoes, the enoughness subject surged again, this time explained by Michael with more arguments. Some were sceptical about it. I remember someone said it was like saying “Come on, you can do it!” But, how or from where could you tell people something like this?

The night before I had gone sleeping thinking about the way Michael had built an explicative model around social systems, communication and contributions, the reality constructions, our drivers and the being enough -among other things-. I had something clear: a new way of seeing things was born there and it made total sense to me.

Michael is not physically here anymore, but when I use the form, the model I learned with him and feel someone’s enoughness pop and take shape, I can’t do anything but thank life for taking me to that classroom that day and listening to that man talking about what we call today the Blumenstein Theory.

I keep on sailing in uncertainty’s sea in various fields of my practice, however, I know I’m enough, and I walk towards building myself a good personal and professional life.

With a great thank you to Michael Blumenstein whose ideas had trascended.

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