By Angélica de la Vega

Versión en Español

Twelve learning weeks, twelve pens from men and women who knew Michael and put into practice his legacy.

Through the past twelve weeks we have remembered, from the heart, the knowledge of the Blumenstein Theory applied to consulting practices.

We thank infinitely to all our collaborators and we make a summary of their contributions with their best quotes:

Cecilia Hernández

For me, thinking about Michael Blumenstein is remembering his voice saying: “you are enough and have a good life” and this is what I try to keep in my mind everyday.

Lorena Rodríguez

I learned to swim with complete confidence in an uncertainty sea. I had learned in other trainings that the client has all the answers, but from there to truly living it there’s a huge step.

Tania Del Rivero

I was a witness of how his way of seeing the world made a persona the best version of herself. And it was delightful to see this transformation. Clearly, I wasn’t aware of what was causing this transformation, but I knew it had something to do with Michael.

Josefina Palacios

Listening to Michael for the first time, made me forgot fast, that he “was German” and I also forgot that he was speaking English and I had to listen to the translator. He was a great communicator and in many moments -I assure you-, I understood without the translator.

Monika Weber

He taught me how to be available for others and for the Universe. Being by his side during several of his classes with translations was an enriching learning, not only because of speaking the language or translating it, also because of the comprehension and bond that day by day was growing between us as colleagues and friends.

Guadalupe Rodríguez

This way each coaching process is unique and relies a 100% in the hands of the client. The scales of grey that we can observe are infinite and you just have to be willing to practice your curiosity and capacity of wonder to discover a new landscape around.

Guadalupe Gómez

Today, with all the resources that the Blumenstein Theory provided me, my view would be completely different: I would offer processes and offer forms so people can get out on their own from their helplessness looking their “enoughness to face uncertainty”.

Luciano Hernández

Being in a training with Michael Blumenstein and Katia Del Rivero, was first of all a revelation in understanding their perspective on the human phenomenon, and at the same time, a synthesis that gave sense to what I’ve learned in the last 10 years working with management teams.

Salvador Nocetti Vilchis

I realize that they’re some subjects that aren’t closed to me, and subjects that aren’t closed for others, I realize my judgments, my disqualifications, and the reality I build every day. In the same way, I realize how vulnerable it’s to feel helplessness, and how wonderful is to feel enough, which to me means those moments where I connect with myself or God, which I decide to signify as something big and wonderful.

José Luis Vieyra

The fact of passing through the Blumenstein Theory sieve concepts that I had incorporated from other trainings, made me discover other dimensions that under the glass of this new look, appeared coherent, powerful and deep to offer them in the accompaniment of others through their collective, and individual learning. For example, the Enoughness concept, it was hard to integrate within me, but once I made it it’s been really powerful to share, because even if we believe it or not, feel it it or not, we are enough, the single fact of remembering this has given me enough strength to build a different reality to whatever situation I’m living.

Javier Barbero

Michael… teacher, thank you for your hundred FORMS that gave a place to my being and professional doing. I honor you every time I remember you… a word that comes from the Latin ricordis which means “passing through the heart again”.

Martha Aguirre

In this five years of training I did a lot of closure processes that I had pending (some were 50 years old) and began new and wonderful adventures, I knew and understood better my ancestors and began to heal my relationships, (understanding also that only I can close something that I opened) which gave as a result a good life.

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