Versión en Español

By Katia Del Rivero

A week ago, thanks to Baloo and Blume — our puppies — , my glasses went from a useful shape, to an amorphous and completely unuseful structure.

So I called Alex Romero, from my perspective the best ophthalmologist of the region, so he could help me with a new pair of glasses.

I went to the tests for checking my glasses’ prescription and on sunday, four days after the incident were my old glasses lost their life, I had new ones.

When I tried them on, something really weird happened to me, the world turned colorful, and it got shape and dimension. I could see everything big, full of light, I noticed details that I haven’t realize I had stopped seeing.

Those who were there say that I had the same expression a baby with a new pair of glasses who “sees the world for the first time”: with clarity.

It caused such a huge impact on me that a looked at Alex and asked him: “Do you did something to the glasses?” Thinking that he is one of the human beings who loves me the most and whom I love the most; and that perhaps, worried about my sadness since Michael passed away, he would have used the glasses by “adding something to them” that would show me the world “more beautiful”, “more vivid”, “clearer”. I just couldn’t believe the way I was seeing the world.

And I was delighted by his answer: ¨Yes, the right prescription.

My old glasses had been with me for around 20 years, they were useful for driving and although I recently felt that I was missing something, I thought it was related with the fact the almost everytime I drive alone I have tears in my eyes. It never occurred to me that it might be time for checking and adjusting the prescription!

The new prescription is “so wonderful” that it has been useful for seeing a “more beautiful” world and even get distracted.

I have noticed that in the last two or three times I’ve been driving, the world is so startling, that I’m capable, just for a moment, to forget the sadness and emptiness that I get from being in the forms and places where I used to be always with Michael.

I don’t think I’m capable of describing the surprising amusement of the world I see with this new glasses.

The Blumenstein Theory is a way of thinking that invites us to look the world in a certain way, with a pair of “social construction glasses”, with a “contribution at the service of the purpose” prescription, focus on our “enoughness” (the installed capacity that we all have to live our life and live it in a nice way) and with “progressive technology”, for us to distinguish precisely between form and content, between reality construction and reality, between living and “living a good life”.

It’s not easy getting used to seeing like this, it may even look surreal to you, probably you could ask if there’s “something else” in this way of seeing.

And as with the glasses it was only “the right prescription” in the Blumenstein Theory is “that with what you open new possibilities to live a good life” even in the deepest sadness of mourning (which is my case); or in the middle of a job you don’t like, or in a relationship where you are having trouble, or with a children that is not what you expected.

A good life is not a perfect life. A good life is life just as it is, with is happiness, despair and challenges lived fully.

And you? Would you like to wear a new pair of glasses for your life?

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