From today until March, we will complete the Glossary that we started at the end of last year.

We still pretend to present you the basic concepts of “Blumenstein Theory” and in the case you already know them, in this space we can review, correct, increase and maybe standardize knowledge.

As the first concept of the year, I chose to “speak from the heart” because I think this is maybe the only concept that individually, even isolated from the rest of Theory, can have an unexpected effect on your life if you choose to apply it.

“Speaking from the heart” sounds simple enough, however it requires some practice and let it be said, some comfort (or at least familiarity) with one’s vulnerability.


Speaking with the heart requires, first of all, to be willing. Want to do it. Be attentive to your feelings, feelings, the choice of your words.

Speaking from the heart also requires our sufficiency, of having it present to be well with oneself before whatever it is that we feel or think. Speaking from the heart means first being honest with ourselves and then with the other, which means being willing to open up, maybe even to feel vulnerable and to remember, whatever happens, we can face it.


There is a trick to keep the direct line between heart and voice.

Starting the sentences with “I”, “To me”, “For meallows us to talk about ourselves, what we feel, think, need.

It prevents us from yielding to the temptation to speak about the other.

This also sets the tone and invites the other to open up and keep talking about himself.

It is allow to slip, it is allow to practice and it is allow not to succeed at first. It is allow to keep trying and ask the other to make us notice when we stop talking from our own heart and we start talking about him or the others.


Perhaps the most interesting thing about speaking from the heart happens here. Because what happens after doing it once, twice, several or trying to make it a habit, is different for each of us.

It happens to me that I feel light, calm and clear about what is mine, what I can do and what I need to solve. I feel full of possibilities and ready to do it again.

I would love to know how you experience speaking from the heart, what it means to you and what happens differently when you do it.

By Katia

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