From the beginning of March we had the privilege of posting in Visión Sistémica’s corporate blog, the collaborations of people very close to the Blumenstein Theory®.
The idea, and so we asked everyone, was to share how they changed their lives since they met Michael and especially, when they began to implement his proposal. We sincerely thank the posts of all of them and we quote here some fragments of the wisdom that they gave us:
You do not have a good life, you live it
By Ayesha Ramírez Fernández
“Because life is not a possession, it is not something we left away and then recover, life is lived,” explained Michael Blumenstein one afternoon we were waiting for his beloved Katia to go to lunch, between a session and other.
That kind of contributions are those that are part of my life, the good life I am living…
Thank you Michael, and of course, thank you also Katia. From my heart: thank you!
Did you know that you could lose a business if you confuse your Social Roles?
By Sergio Loyo
I lost a lot of business. Surely if I had the knowledge I have now, things would have been different.
Months ago I had the opportunity to attend a module of “Social Roles” taught by Michael Blumenstein and Katia del Rivero as part of the “Master VISI Coach” training. Knowing this theory I thought things did not have to follow in the same way, especially if it allowed me to distinguish my shares with the appropriate Social Role in every situation.
About the myriad things I could learn from Michael
By Emilio Arconada
The truth is you can admire many things about Michael, i.g.: talking in front of an auditorium at his service, his style to talk as a man and lead a conversation without sexism…
Above all, he taught me not only his theory, but to follow it and live by actions. In fact, I saw him follow his words even in the most challenging situations of the human condition. He showed me through his behaviors the difference between the Human Being and the Person.
By Amanda Gasca
… I always thought that Michael Blumenstein loved to surprise the world.
Today I really think he came to us to teach us to sow the idea that we can improve, that we can survive and even better than that, we can spend our hours in this chaotic world having a good life.
I can not look at the goal yet, I do not know what will happen to me, but I am sure that everything I walk and the paths I choose will be looking to answer THE BIG ONE, because I do want to live a good life.
By Evangelina Zamora
The arrival of my second grandchild was complicated, at the moment he would get home, there was simply no home.
Two weeks before and with broken hearts, Katia del Rivero and Michael Blumenstein accompanied us in a Dialogue Process, …
The intervention of our facilitators was extraordinary, I have to thank for the peace and also the strength that they manifested and that made possible the resolution of the conflict. Katia: infinitely thank you, Michael: thank you for your gifts, forever in my heart.
By Oscar Alberto del Rivero Vargas
The Blumestein Theory® is beyond the origin of its creator, in other words, the “righteous” Germany or the hobby for soccer and points obtained in the Bundesh League by Bayer Munich and even the ability to drive a motor vehicle. It is based on the self-sufficiency of the person and Michael, on that day of the family encounter, would teach me that principles are manifested and demonstrated by behavior…
With a Zhen tree, we seal his image and his life, but even that image shows the perception and vision of the creator of Blumestein Theory® that will undoubtedly continue to impact thousands of people on their way to enoughness.
By Víctor Yáñez
… on a Saturday of 2015 I arrived at Visión Sistémica with Katia (a person full of love, peace and tenderness towards herself and her fellows) and Michael (a wonderful German, with an exceptional tranquility to speak and explain, which astonished me since the beggining).
The next day was equally astonishing: at the break I talked to Michael and it was something unique, if we understand that we established a dialogue where I do not speak English, less German and suddenly I was immersed in a conversation with my teacher.
That day I brought two wonderful gifts. One, meet Michael and another, accommodate my father in a good place where I can not evaluate it and much less change his history, simply because it does not correspond to me.
This is how it started this great adventure with a different approach.
Being open in the sea of uncertainty
By Gabriela Molina
What I am writing is an effort to reduce the complexity of two intense years of participation and study with Michael Blumenstein and Katia del Rivero, of what we know today as the Blumenstein Theory. And in particular, to share my latest discovery and amazement regarding the fact that in the last module of the training I realized that for me a learning process was to pay attention not only to the theory, but to the person who taught his own theory. With love and respect to Michael Blumenstein.
The miracle of History and the “good life”
By Ivonne Charles
My experience in Visión Sistémica and History has allowed me to explore even more the subjectivity of the individual in his ability to interpret, to make what he received and to offer his contribution…
In this new revelation it turns out that “I have the answer” and that I do not require content but forms, in its purest version, the more reliable, the more effective… Today I contribute consciously, recognizing my unique and united and universal being, valuing my decisions and my present, reviewing and looking forward instead of backwards
Thank you Katia, thank you Michael for being for me, so cynical and free to live and share it with me.
By Salvador Nocetti Vilchis
It all started more than a year ago when I started a program called “Visión Sistémica” (Systemic Vision) that offered tools for the leader and the “systemic” coach. Enough reason to explore and complete my personal toolbox…
Now I realize that throughout all my years I have had conversations in which what I wanted to say or shut up was not guaranteed. That even with the people I love the most in life, the conversation can easily go right to the cliff. I understood that communication is a miracle.
The difference between talk about keeping alive and talk about being alive
By Arlett Archundia
Since the passing of Michael Blumenstein I stopped writing. At first I thought it was the blank sheet that the great writers passed and I said to myself, “If they go through that, why do not I?”
Afterward, today, as I took my dogs out for a walk in the morning, I realized the learning that this good man named Michael Blumenstein had left me in that present, which is now a continuous present of a better future…
I’m here now. Quiet, walking my dogs, enjoying the morning, after having exercised and read a while. Breathing life, this life, my life! Quitting from keeping me alive and talking me about being alive, what a difference!
How it feels to look and remember your autonomy
By Ericka Castillo
I am about to turn 45 and thanks to Michael Blumenstein, my main interest at the moment is to accompany those who wish to live their good life.
At age 40, thanks to my relationship with Katia I meet Michael and the social world. It was to this point that I begin to understand what social systems are and how they work…
The Blumenstein Theory is an invitation for every human being who wishes to live his good life. It only requires clarity of what you need, connect with your autonomy and sufficiency to choose your contributions and the appropriate ways to achieve it…
In that sense there is a huge gap between what I learned twenty years ago and what I practice and love today, starting with myself.
We finish this series by inviting you to read the full posts that are really worth it!
Moreover, starting next week we will began a new series. On this occasion, we ask our collaborators to share how they have changed their activity as coaches or consultants since they knew the Blumenstein Theory. Do not miss it!
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