By Katia Ibañez

Versión en Español

I once had a friend who used to say this. The full quote would say: “The world doesn’t belong to those who are tepid, it belongs to the fervid ones who risk, who make things happen.”

To me, it means that the world belongs to those who take their decisions consciously. Regardless if your decision involves an action — or not — and implies waiting for the circumstances to change, for different options or simply for you to feel ready to take them, decide. Decide being aware of what you are deciding!

And make that decision with no worries on the outcome. Make the decision that you believe, in this moment, will take you closer to your goals, what you hope for, and what you dream of. Take it, and above everything else, make it yours. If you make a decision hoping for your parents to be proud, even if it’s not what you really want, you are deciding for them before yourself. And you can be mad at others about a priority you established.

And the same goes for your girlfriend/boyfriend, friends, or boss. If you choose to put others before what you really want, you can’t blame them on the outcome.

Because of this, it’s very important for you to notice what you really want and make the choices that match up with that. Because you and only you will face the consequences. You and only you will face the side effects, whichever they might be.

The more you own your decision (the closer it is to what you really want), the easier it will be to make the results yours too, even if they’re different from what you expected.

Choose Without Warranties

No choice ever comes with bonded outcomes. Every choice we make is a hope thrown into the future’s uncertainty. What is always yours (and I mean ALWAYS), is the way we react towards the results. And if those results, no matter how far they are from what you expected, are a consequence of a choice that is yours one hundred percent, there’s a great chance you’ll be in peace with them anyways. Because you’ll have the peacefulness of getting to that point by yourself. Which means that you can get out by yourself too.

Decisions (and their results) are never good or bad. You make them good or bad, depending on what you hoped for and how you react to it.

Besides, the possibilities are infinite. The result might be opposite to what you expected and “that opposite” may suit you.

You choose if you say Wow, it’s so cool that I found what I needed anyways.” or “How stupid I was about my initial desire if it was not going to work?”

You may get exactly where you want and in the end it might not turn out as you expected. You choose if you call it “Let’s keep looking” or “I will never find what I want”.

Finally, you have the power to choose your reaction. You have the choice on how to label your choice’s results. You have the possibility to choose doing something good with your decisions and results always.

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