by Katia Del Rivero

One of the last descriptions Michael wrote about his theory was the process of moving “from to have to to be, from to be to being and from being to live.”

To Have

It may seem obvious. There’s a lot written on this subject. It doesn’t matter how many things I have if I “am not”. It’s just that Michael was talking about something completely different. He was talking about the construction we can make on behalf of what “belongs to us” from life and the things that come with it.

“Have a good life”. “Have a good marriage”. “Have and extraordinary 2019”. “Have everything you’ve ever dreamed of”. “Have a happy organization”. These are our usual wishes as if we were capable of possessing nouns that name life itself.

Can we possess a life or we’re just capable of experimenting, enjoying and living?


By definition, the verb To Be is copulative and perfect. What does that mean?

The copulative verbs do not give a semantic value they just function as links, the possibility of connecting a noun and a verb. And when we talk about perfect verbs those tell us that the action is finished. That means, when we are talking about “being”, we are talking about the absolute definition of a noun based on a verb.

This is: You’re an idiot! What we are saying is that the person that we are talking about doesn’t have the possibility of change, he “is” irremediably an idiot.

So, when we are saying you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. You’re the most insensitive asshole on the planet! You’re a great friend! You’re the worst employee! You’re the best mom in the world! You’re the worst father in history! What we’re truly saying is that the subject is doomed to “be” that verb, and that is our construction.

This makes our enjoyment of life harder, when we make the same construction and state “I am like this”, “I am silly”, “I am wonderful” we create an identity from that.

From that phrases, we state that we “are” a product of special characteristics. And even if it is something nice like “I am wonderful” or maybe something not nice like “I am silly”; it reaches a point where our construction is limited and it affects ourselves and our life experience.

The one that is silly cannot have smart behaviors, the one that is wonderful can’t have bad behavior and wants perfection for himself.

That way we “freeze” and life isn’t steady. Life changes, it adjusts it moves. And if we want to live, we need to move with it.

Am Being

It is possible that in our attempt of giving our identity construction of being the movement of life, then we start talking about “am being”. I’m just a moment and I can become something different in the next moment.

Is it different from just being? Not really. We name, freeze, even for a moment and we miss the experience of life.


What is living? It’s experimenting life without conditioning, without possessing, without trying to keep it as if it was ours or as if it was a thing.

It’s the possibility of experimenting without desecrating or putting a limitation the experience with a name.

It’s enjoying without tagging myself in it, without defining myself because of those behaviors or the construction of me doing something or what I take from it.

It’s the possibility of enjoying the good and not so good things about my construction. It’s the possibility of living sadness as a normal process to say goodbye. And joy as an experience of happiness for being alive. Fear as an alert for survival and anger as a way of taking care of ourselves. 
It’s not losing the true richness because we try to “freeze” it or control it. It’s enjoying it as t comes and surviving when situations ask for it. It’s flowing with it and not staying in the past, it’s keeping ourselves open for what it might come.

It’s laughing, crying, loving, running, singing, dancing, coming close, going away, learning, forgetting, letting go, taking, leaving, kissing, hugging, listening, speaking, creating, offering, receiving, supporting, changing, measuring, interacting, walking, sleeping, offering, admiring, cooking, cleaning, climbing, opening, closing, dreaming, playing, frying, floating, eating, clapping, asking, exploring, constructing… living.

Live plentifully it’s our wish to you!!

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