Every Person Builds His/Her Own Realites

What comes to you when you look at an image? “That’s horrible!” or “It’s so gorgeous, so deep!” or maybe something like “I love it!”

Or maybe it called your attention so little that you didn’t “registered” it. Which one of this ideas is the right one? I would love you to think, all of them!

Because the basic human right is to think whatever you want. That’s my basic right. That’s your basic right too. And sometimes this basic rights match. And sometimes they don’t.

A social construction first step is recognizing this. The fact that every person is capable of making the construction of reality he or she wants after what happens in his/her environment. Whether I like this or not. Whether I share it or not. Whether it seems logical to me or not. Whether I think it’s adequate or not. Whether it has the same value for me or it’s different. What I mean is, the other has the same right to think whatever he/she wants no matter how I think or feel about his/her reality construction.

Every Person Has the Right to Choose What to Do With His/Her Reality Construction

There’s a difference between what I think (reality construction), and what I do about that thought. The first choice I need to make is whether I’ll share this with the world or not. When I choose to do something visible for the rest of the world, then it’d no longer my choice and it becomes my contribution to the world.

Paul Watzlawick used to say “it’s not possible for us to communicate” talking about this process. Michael Blumenstein took this proposition and starting for the premise that it’s not possible for us to communicate he adjusted the perspective on the terms that “it’s not possible for us not to contribute”.

Even that which might not be conscious is a contribution, for example, the movement of an eyebrow, a change in the breathing pattern, making a grin… Every expression of my reality construction that show up physically becomes a contribution.

And the thing with contributions is that once they’re “out” anyone can take them and “mean” give them the meaning they want. If they were directed to them or not. And whether I had a different intention from what they see. They stop being mine and become part of the social system.

This means that if I have a thought it belongs to me, when I make it a form to be shared with the world, I transform it in a contribution. From now on I have no control over it, because others with their freedom can do whatever they want with this contribution.

Where’s the Difference?

The difference is not what we think, neither is it in how we express what we think, not even in what others choose to do with my contribution.

The truly meaningful distinction is, why we do it? What do we want to build with it? What is our purpose? When we are clear on this, we’ll be able to express our reality construction and ask ourselves, does this contribution enhances or decreases my possibilities to get what I want?

The thing is we don’t ask this ourselves often. And it will surprise us how commonly we choose the less effective contribution.

Would You Like to Learn How to Build in Social Systems?

Are you able to identify your reality constructions? Are you conscious about the forms you use to share in the social system? Have you ever asked ourselves the reason behind all of it? And even further, if what you choose contributes to what you want to get?

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