By Martha Aguirre Recinos

Mainly, three things.

1.- It thought me that I and everyone around me, are enough for our lives. (Even my daughters and granddaughters)

2.- To appreciate the importance of words, because they become alive when we co-create them.

3.- And to live a good life making good closures at the end of cycles so I can begin again ALWAYS.

In 2009 my life was turned upside down, just when I thought I had the ideal life, it came down to pieces.

Seeking for answers, without even having clarity on what the questions were, and with a big necessity of wanting to step down from the train called “life”, (as is this was somehow possible) I came in November 2011 to the Systems Thinking and Organizational Constellations training. There, with Katia del Rivero and a bunch of other magical human beings, it began a journey of self-knowledge, of honoring my ancestors, of understanding the love of my lineage, of forgiveness and ok knowing that is never too late to have a good life.

My need for learning didn’t stop there, I also joined Systemic Interventions for Organizations, Personal Development with a Systemic Approach, Systemic Consulting for Family Businesses, Systemic Coaching and ViSi Family Businesses.

ViSi Management and Dialogical Leadership, among other things, teaches about co-creation as a key concept of leadership, communication, organization, the human being, teams, future and change.

The basic concepts are belonging, order and balance, these give sense and are key to everything because they are the systems to which we form a part of in the many different aspects of our lives.

Social systems are living things, define a boundary, are operationally closed and structurally connected, they take care of themselves, are capable of auto administration and self-reproductive.

However, after takin my good life in my own hands, the most meaningful thing to me are the steps needed to make a good closure. This list is a good summary.

· Recover my wellbeing

· Reestablish my social role or pending issues

· Give a place in my heart, seeing, giving value and acknowledgement, honoring

· Cycles are closed when the purpose has already been fulfilled, and by this I mean the good, the bad and what could not be.

In this five years of training I did a lot of closure processes that I had pending (some were 50 years old) and began new and wonderful adventures, I knew and understood better my ancestors and began to heal my relationships, (understanding also that only I can close something that I opened) which gave as a result a good life.

Today, I want to use one of the phrases of Michael Blumenstein and share it with you as closure for this reflection. “I have everything I need to keep going without you and you have everything you need to keep going without me”.

Spanish version:

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