Michael Blumenstein used to say we’re full of myths, this means, we’ve generated and qualified as ‘truths’ a lot of reality constructions that not necessarily work.
One of the myths we repeat more often like it was true is: ‘Where there’s a will there’s a way.”
Is It Like That?
No. Let’s be honest. If I want to be Diana, Princess of Wales, no matter how bad I want it, I can’t.
You’ll probably tell me to chill and think about something real. Great, I want to be a renamed pianist. Honestly, willing it and being possible doesn’t mean necessarily that I actually can.
Where There’s a Will, There’s Not a Way, and Yet Is the First Step!
Willing is the ‘energy’ that moves us forward to achieve something. Is the choice I make to go for it.
Willing is not only declaring what I wish, is building the evidence of how what I desire is going to be when I get it.
Willing means to imagine myself where I want to be, looking at the context, at those who are important to me in that process/context and feel at ease with everything I achieved and how the context reacted.
Watch it! How the context reacted doesn’t mean it is ok. It means feel ok about it. And ‘ok’ doesn’t mean I feel ‘happy’ either it means I feel capable of dealing with this reaction.
Knowing How to Make a Difference
According to statistics, where do dreams, projects, and entrepreneur projects fail the most? In how! Because we don’t know how to, so we open the fear door.
I want to become a renamed pianist. Do I know how to achieve this? I mean, do I know the steps that will take me there.
‘I want to become a renamed pianist’ What do I have to do?… Is learning to play the piano the right how to? I don’t know… Who knows? Maybe a piano teacher, I know where to find one? No… Who knows?
Maybe you’re thinking, it’s impossible to know the how to before we start! Do we agree? It is necessary to know the goal, have a general idea of the process and knowing with certainty what’s the next step.
We must know how to start, and then what’s the next step, and only until we’ve finished that one, we can give the next step, and so on.
Why is it good to have a complete look? It gives us a path. Is the light that guides us. Why do we build step by step? Because things can change in the way, we can find obstacles, shortcuts, or choose a different goal, quit.
Quit? Yes, quit. A lot of goals are not reached because when we are halfway we find out things are not what we thought or what we want and we get scared of ‘changing plans’ or making adjustments.
Is it enough to know how to? No, it’s just the second step.
The Last Step: Feeling Capable
What do I need? Is always useful to know where (the light), have an idea of how to (the way) and finally giving the steps I feel capable of giving.
If I don’t feel capable, I need to work in whatever I need to start feeling capable.
You’ll be surprised how many good ideas, with clear ways, are left hanging because people feel in their heads/hearts that they’re not capable of doing it.
What do you need to feel capable? If you already have a purpose and a route, what are you missing to give the first step?
That’s the only thing you need, the first step. And that’s how -Michael Blumenstein used to say, you build the future- step by step.
Where there’s a will, there’s not a way, willing, knowing how, and feeling capable is creating a way.
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