Nature likes differences
Last article Katia Ibáñez wrote about “Blumenstein Theory is just a proposal, an explanation for life and how to use it to live a good life.” Then she finishes welcoming all of those who found this proposal interesting “If it makes you as comfortable as me, you’re welcome”. And I decided to complement it with the phrase: “If it doesn’t make you as comfortable as me, you’re also welcome”.
Why is it important to welcome you if you don’t agree?
Some years ago, not that many, the only way of “surviving in society”, was to publicly express “correct ideas”. This means everything that society considered ethic, moral or acceptable at the time.
And it was easy to look at “the one” that was different.
Usually this groups were known as minorities. And usually, members of the society looked badly at them because they expressed ideas that were different, that the society experienced as “opposite” and “transgressors”.
As we evolve this minorities are looked better and accepted as part of the social diversity. They’ve grown so much, that maybe we, I belong to the minority of the “rebels”, have turned the social weave really diverse.
It´s like if the diversity had taken the place of the social thought uniqueness. Is it really like this?
In my perspective it´s not. Some time ago we excluded the ones that thought in a traditional way. It seems like now a day we exclude the ones that think in a traditional way.
It´s like a friend of mine said a few days ago, “It seems as, if you are a white man, heterosexual, believer, in a monogamic relationship and pro-life you represent everything that this generation hates”.
And at the end of the day it seems like human beings don’t know how to live with the differences, despite what Michael Blumenstein used to say, “Nature likes difference”.
That’s why I think it’s very important to welcome you, even if what makes me feel comfortable, for you it doesn’t. Because one of the characteristics of Blumenstein Theory is that it values, appreciate, constructs through difference, just as nature does.
The wonderful right to think differently
When we learn about social construction, we learn that even in face of the same stimulus its very likely that every one of us construct a different reality.
I say it’s very likely because even today, with all the advances about the brain, we don´t know if the inside construction that the human brain makes is or isn’t the same as another one makes. We can only, based on their contributions imagine what’s different or similar.
And this process is human, biologic, inherent to every one of us. The popular wisdom says it very nicely “Each head is a world”.
So it’s wonderful if you think that for you being heterosexual is okay, others thin is ok to be homosexual. It’s wonderful if for you its okay to be in a monogamic relationship or if you like what today it’s called “polilove”. It’s okay if you believe in God and the person next to you is an atheist. It’s wonderful if you like to cheer for the “America” and the one beside you thinks it’s better to cheer for “Pumas”. Because the point it’s not how you construct the world in your head, the point is HOW TO CONSTRUCT TOGETHER even when we construct different perspectives.
This is what we don’t know how to do as a society, this is where Blumenstein Theory offers alternatives and possibilities. We don’t need to make anyone change. We just need that everyone, exactly as they are, to be willing to construct with the other one, similar or different, a world in peace. A world where each one has a space that respects the other one.
Because on thing is to think “x” or “y” and another are the agreed behaviors that as a society we find useful and adequate for co-existing.
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