Something amazing

Since I started working with Blumenstein Theory© I’ve been asked about the essential difference of this social technology.

In the beginning I didn’t even knew the answer. What I knew was that it’s something different, unique, special and I couldn’t distinguish or differentiate it well enough to put it into words.

I only knew it was something extraordinary and wonderful. It transformed me!

I’ve finally found something that allowed me to stop being angry with life. Something that made me stop fighting the world for something I considered it was right or fair. Something that was useful to stop feeling hurt by others. Something that allowed me to be responsible of what was mine, and to distinguish what belonged to others.

Something that invited me to look at myself with kindness. Something that made me more tolerant, patient, careful with myself therefore with others. Something that improved my family and social bonds in a way I’ve never experienced before.

And, above it all, I’ve never lived so in peace, so full, so satisfied with myself and my life.

The master test

Then a master test came. Michael died in such an unexpected way that I thought I had lost everything I’ve been talking about. I had no interest in life and I didn’t felt capable enough to live it. And while going through the deepest and darkest cave, when I felt less capable, I started remembering everything I said previously, I started noticing it was there, and it was mine, it didn’t depend on the presence or love of Michael, in my way and pace I’d be capable of finding peace, joy in my heart, enjoyment for life one more time. And so it was.

Coming back to life, through sharing seminaries, workshops, reunions, working sessions, individual Blumenstein Theory© sessions, is how I’ve identified what makes the Blumenstein Theory© so unique, where the distinctions with other proposals are, and I’ll share them along in various posts on this blog.

Finally, I need to tell you in this introduction that, curiously enough, in these months while I was looking through Michael’s notes, I discovered that my conclusion isn’t that far away from his own perspective.

What is the distinction?

In this first reflection allow me to invite you to a small walkthrough different stages and perspectives in the frame of understanding the world and ourselves.

One of the most replicated models in the frame of understanding and understanding us, is looking backwards. The idea is that if we understand our story and the effect it had in ourselves, then we can comprehend and change what’s inviting us to feel dissatisfied with life.

This proposal is no doubt interesting and useful; and, at least in my case and some others, insufficient.

Understanding my history doesn’t necessarily made me feel more capable or able of changing my present or even my future.

So, someone thought: “We don’t actually need to go back and review our history, we can focus on the present”. With this idea many solution approaches arrived. What they meant with this proposal was to identify the problem or situation and find a way to solve it.

This approach to the present is very useful, no doubt. At least in my case it has invited me not to stay “stuck” in the problem and focus on the solution.

In both approaches, past and present (or solution) some proposals were born that were named “Systemic Approach”. Basically it meant that a person can’t be seen on its own, it has to be seen immersed in a context, which was named as system, which generates an impulse on the person and receives an impulse from the person and then creates dynamics. In this perspective the idea is not to look at the person by itself, but the person in its context. This way we can comprehend what and who are involved.

The fundamental premise is that beyond the history or present of a person, there is a context that has an impact and understanding it can be useful in a way the other two approaches can’t.

Personally, this approach made sense to me. I even took some tools and forms that — as risky as I consider them to be — were useful and effective and I shared them.

This was the original basis of what I created and called “systemic interventions” which where structured accompaniment forms, substantiated in a systemic approach -understanding systemic as contextual- that would minimize -at least to my understanding- the risks of other tools or methodologies.

Today there are a lot of people that use and consider them of great value. And I agree. They were useful for personal work, for individual comprehension. In some cases, even for the collective comprehension or for a real change.

Are we missing something?

If we already looked at the human being in his context and this allowed us to comprehend beyond the individual, if the whole point was to look at what was really possible and not to get stuck in the problem and the history exploration offered us an intimate support, then… What were we missing?

In Michael’s perspective, and my own, a fundamental element was missing the “how to”. This is where we find Blumenstein Theory© full potential.

The Blumenstein Theory© proposal has elements oriented to give value to history in terms of resources, and others oriented for finding alternative actions and possibilities in the present and looking into the context, and Blumenstein Theory© goes beyond that.

Blumenstein Theory© is a proposal oriented to discover how to CONSTRUCT, from all of it, WITH THE OTHER. Because we are not alone. Because many others and I have the clarity of our history, clarity of our alternatives and we know our context and still we don’t know how to construct from it and how to make different constructions, if we want to.

Seems like it is useless to be fine if I can’t construct with you (friend, partner, neighbor, colleague, brother, sister, son, daughter, father, mother, client, provider, student, teacher) because sooner than later “being fine” will not be enough or it won’t last.

We are social beings, biologically designed for surviving in groups, collaborating with others, maybe it is time to learn how we do it and how to make it useful, functional and enjoyable.

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