By Ayesha Ramírez Fernández

Versión en español aquí

“Because life is not a possession, it is not something we left away and then recover, life is lived,” explained Michael Blumenstein one afternoon we were waiting for his beloved Katia to go to lunch, between a session and other. One of those revealing spaces in which I had the pleasure of seeing the work of both and of being present and in the service of a group that was closing its formation in Human Development.

Sistemic Vision did me the honor of inviting me to collaborate with an article and since then I have not stopped remembering phrases, whole conversations and, in fact, living with Michael in the last days of his life. Although I met him years ago, it was only months in which I had the opportunity to talk with him, listen to his ideas, and learn from the ways his methodology offers.

And by the way there are two things I want to remember here, a conversation and an action, because both, for me, were great contributions to my life.

I had a time talking with Katia about common ideas and possible projects, alternatives to collaborate with her company, because she knows how much I admire the work they do there, and in a short distance between one city and another, when they present to me the possibility of giving shape to that desire for collaboration, occurred more or less as it follows:

KDR: Hey babe, have you already know what you’re going to do with your life? Professionally, I say.

ARF: I know I want to do things that give me the feeling of balance between contributing to the world and allowing me to be at peace with myself. A good life, as you say.

MB: And why not work with us in the company? — Michael asks Katia.

KDR: I do not know, ask her directly — and she laughs, with that contagious laughter so hers.

ARF: I love what you do, how you do it, but maybe I’m not a fan of those whom you work for, because of my interest in environmental issues maybe working for organizations would not allow me to be happy.

MB: So as you say, our company is not the place for what you want, for us a way to contribute is precisely through the organizations.

After that I was silent, admiring the clarity with which Michael reacted. And I thought, how amazing to be able to speak from the heart without being violent, even with a “no, this is not your place” which is how I would sum it up, I was left with a good feeling. Clarity, firmness, knowing enough and recognizing the sufficiency of the other, all that right there.

On the other hand, I share a brief anecdote that fits in another social system. That idea also enchants me, recognizing that we can play different roles and establish relationships in different social systems with the same person, and how many dislikes / problems / reality creations that we could assume offensive, hurtful, and so on, can save us the ability to differentiate them.

In a very different space, I can say that I had the honor of having Michael’s confidence, as proof the fact that being in his home, the one who with such love cocreated with Katia, with his very specific food selections, one day he came out of the kitchen and asked me if I wanted to eat a peach in syrup, or even more than one if I wanted to … Katia said: Wow !, that’s an offer he does not make to everyone, in fact, he does not shares them with nobody, and what I say to you who also knew it, I felt very honored.

That kind of contributions are those that are part of my life, the good life I am living, in this sense of sufficiency that as he said, like it or not, see it or not, it is always here, it is always in the other , Maybe you just have to be alert to remember it in all circumstances.

Thank you Michael, and of course, thank you also Katia. From my heart: thank you!

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